Journeys: Transitioning Churches to Relevance by Todd Wright &Marty Duren (2008)

100 Days to 50: Day 82 – The Most Influential Books in My Life

9. Journeys: Transitioning Churches to Relevance by Todd Wright & Marty Duren (2008)

Writing and publishing this book was an arduous and life changing process, and it greatly impacted me. It forced me to think about my church life, personal life, and journey with honesty and transparency. The fact that it would be available for others to read brought a constant awareness of accountability.  The process forced me to deal with the wounds and emotional scars of my journey in a biblical and constructive manner, and pushed me to live a life of forgiveness. It challenged me to openly demonstrate my gratitude for those who walked that journey with me with loyalty and faithfulness. It allowed me a platform to help other church leaders in their own challenges of leading their churches to be effective. It’s a MUST read. And of course I’m not biased!!! I’m thankful!

Journeys: Transitioning Churches to Relevance” by Todd Wright & Marty Duren can be purchased here in paperback format! 

Join me from the start of my “100 Days to 50” journey by clicking here!

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