My 1st Birthday

100 Days to 50: Day 1 – We Have Finally Arrived!

Well I could say that the last 100 days have been rewarding, but I must clarify that the last 50 years have been rewarding!  Here’s a few important things I’ve learned in my journey.  Some of them Ive learned when I approached the age of 30, others when I approached the age of 40, and others I have only begun to embrace through this process of evaluation.  These are some things that we all need to work on diligently:

[column type=”one-half”] [icon_list] [icon_list_item type=”arrow-right”] Develop patience and kindness [/icon_list_item]  [icon_list_item type=”arrow-right”] Learn how to relax [/icon_list_item]  [icon_list_item type=”arrow-right”] Become friends with change [/icon_list_item]  [icon_list_item type=”arrow-right”] Know what you are good at, and what you are not [/icon_list_item]  [icon_list_item type=”arrow-right”] Be confident in your relationship with God [/icon_list_item] [/icon_list] [/column] [column type=”one-half” last=”true”] [icon_list] [icon_list_item type=”arrow-right”] Develop a commitment to lifelong learning [/icon_list_item]  [icon_list_item type=”arrow-right”] Commit to great at what you are good at [/icon_list_item]  [icon_list_item type=”arrow-right”] Know how you can add value to others, and do so everyday [/icon_list_item]  [icon_list_item type=”arrow-right”] Choose the people you want to help to succeed [/icon_list_item]  [icon_list_item type=”arrow-right”] Develop good eating habits [/icon_list_item]  [/icon_list] [/column] [column type=”whole”] I’m looking forward to the next segment of life, to the age of 60.  I am moving more and more into the realm of mentoring others and preparing to enter my final seasons of life with excellence and making a lasting impact.  I’m leaning and looking forward to the journey ahead.  Thank you again for your patience and friendship in this evaluation journey of the last 100 days!  I hope you have learned a few things that will help you evaluate your own journey.  I’m grateful!  Here I am at my first birthday celebration with my two brothers. [/column] [line]

Join me from the start of my “100 Days to 50” journey by clicking here!

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