Uganda 2006

100 Days to 50: Day 68 – Makings of a Grateful Life

[feature_headline type=”left, center, right” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h4″ icon=”camera-retro”] Memorable Moments [/feature_headline]

This is me in Uganda in 2006. These were three different types of houses in this community. Every international trip reminds me to be grateful.

Join me from the start of my “100 Days to 50” journey by clicking here!

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2 thoughts on “100 Days to 50: Day 68 – Makings of a Grateful Life”

  1. Didn’t know you have been to Uganda. I met a young man from Kasese through Global Missions via Internet which I participate in. His father was killed by Idi Amin and he is the oldest son. The family was starving to death. Long story, but he is trying to get an orphanage and widow ministry off the ground and, not by my request, calls it Nancy’s Hope. He wants to start a Christian primary school, but has to have water and a latrine in place. Have helped with the water and a small plot of land, but the latrine is only 1/2 finished and he needs $1200 to finish it. Then he can get a permit for the school. Needs supplies, etc. If you know of anybody or any group interested in helping, please let me hear.

    1. Thank you for sharing Nancy, and for investing tin the people of Uganda. Certainly a lot that needs to be done all throughout Africa. It can often be overwhelming. I will certainly be listening and open regarding interest and will let you know. We are trying to raise money for a WELL and motorbike in Kenya right now. I will be in Brazil in July, South Africa in September, and China in October, teaching principles of leadership.Looking forward to a great 50th year!

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