8. Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change by William Bridges (1991)
I led Midway Church through a major philosophical change from 2003-2010. I searched for good information from books and other pastors to help me understand the dynamics of change, and to help me effectively take our people through the journey. I found a few personal stories that were helpful, but good information, from a Biblical perspective, on the subject was limited. My greatest insights came from corporate business consultant- William Bridges. The three stages of change he presented revolutionized my thinking about everything in life. (Stage 1- The End, Stage 2- The Neutral Zone (Wilderness), Stage 3- The New Beginning.) I found his book in 2008 when, according to what I learned, our church and I were in the depths of the “Wilderness” stage of change. It felt chaotic, and I wondered if the confusion would ever come to an end. At times I wanted to run, quit, or hide from the barrage of complaints and criticism. I learned that a new beginning was on the way, if I could simply hold on and remain steady! I did! The “New Beginning” came! Today, we are more effective and enjoying the fruits of changes we made. We are reaching the next generation. Our average age at Midway Church has dropped from 58 to 34 since 2003. I’m thankful!
“Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change” by William Bridges can be purchased here in both Kindle and Paperback formats!
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