Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians by James Gilchrist Lawson (1911)

100 Days to 50: Day 88 – The Most Influential Books in My Life

3. Foxes Book of Martyrs by John Foxe, published in 1563, and Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians by James Gilchrist Lawson (1911)

I include these two books at #3 because both were similar in impact and influence. I read each of these books before the age of 20. In Foxes Book of Martyrs, I was deeply impacted as I read of such devotion and faith in times of persecution, torture, and death. It caused me to evaluate the depth and conviction of my faith as I imagined myself in their position. Would I have the courage to stand strong on my faith in the face of torture and death? My faith in Jesus Christ could not be a religious game, but it must be a devoted life till death. EVERY day! Every believer MUST read this book, or one of the newer versions of it.

In Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians, I learned the foundation of a devoted and impactful faith. From the Old Testament characters to present day, impactful Christian leaders have had a deep experience of surrender to God and special anointing of some kind by the Holy Spirit. All experiences have not been the same, but all of them left a believer that did things with an obvious divine touch, and gave true evidence of God at work for His purposes and glory. I simply call it the “God Factor.” They all knew they had been with God! The “God Factor” has been the defining mark of my life and ministry. I’m thankful!

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